Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mumford and Sons

I am such an anglophile and that could explain my love for this song. partially. I think the raw emotion that M&S put into their work kinda has something to do with it too...

If you're into them, check out their EP, particularly "The Cave". It's a rollicking good time of a song.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Liverpool FC and Judy Garland

Doesn't music from the 40's -50's always remind you of the beginning of the classic Cinderella or Snow White?

Anyway, this is one of my favorite JG songs, and i find it quite serendipitous that my favorite football team's motto is "You'll Never Walk Alone". So in honor of the somewhat beleaguered beauty that is Liverpool FC....

And for the beautiful, i mean uh, talented... TALENTED Fernando Torres...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Every End Has A Start

Today marks a giant "end" in my life, and I'm having trouble finding a "start". It's troubling when you can't see exactly where the cliff edge is, isn't it? Well, in honor of my perhaps imminent tumble, a little Joy Division to give a little boast of irony to your day...